الأبحاث المقبولة للنشرالعدد 12 سبتمبر 2024المجلد الرابع

An investigation into the influence of cultural induction on work practice and relationships between principals and expatriate teachers in UAE public secondary schools

Dr. Yusef A. AbuAyash

Senior Specialist, Ministry of Education, UAE

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Abstract: The lack of knowledge and understanding of the different cultural norms, values and even communication styles can hinder both leaders and followers’ ability to navigate cross-cultural interactions more effectively.  This study sought to investigate the influence of cultural induction/training on workplace practices of and the relationship between principals and expatriate teachers in terms of conflict prevention. The study adopted a mixed method research approach, utilizing a 20-item questionnaire informed by (Bennett, 2017) and in-depth interviews. While 328 expatriate teachers completed the questionnaire, 8 expatriate teachers and 8 local school leaders agreed to participate in the interviews.  The study revealed that a well-designed and implemented cultural induction plays a quite important role in not only reducing but also preventing the incidence of conflict between expatriate teachers and principals, and, therefore, improving relationships and work practices. Based on this, the study recommended that induction programs are designed and delivered by Emirati school principals, in real context/schools, and over an adequate period of time.

Keywords: culture, cultural induction/training, conflict, principals, expatriate teachers.

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