2 المجلد الثانىالأبحاث المقبولة للنشرالعدد 5 مايو 2022

Impact of Internet Outages on The Education in Kuwait During Pandemics and Wars from Students Perspective

Dr. Jamella Hamdan Alotaibi

Assistant Professor- Department of Libraries and Information Science

Basic Education College, Public Authority of Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait

Dr. Haifa R. Alzuabi

Assistant Professor- Department of Libraries and Information Science

Basic Education College, Public Authority of Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait

Abstract: This paper explores the influence of Internet outages on education during the pandemic and wars by analyzing responses to a questionnaire sent to Department of Libraries and Information Sciences students at Kuwait’s College of Basic Education. The descriptive method was applied using a quantitative scale, the questionnaire. Five hundred four students contributed to this study by their answers to the questionnaire, the main limitation of this study is its quantitative nature. Findings: The article discusses Kuwait’s education system during the epidemic and its failure to incorporate online learning into its system for many years. The study concluded with several recommendations, including that student should continue studying via the Internet but return to school immediately after a pandemic. Begin to integrate the use of the Internet with traditional education while encouraging students to self-study and include it in the assessment system.

Keywords: Internet Outages, COVID-19, Kuwait, Online learning, Education.

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